
Solutions for Researchers

Solutions for ResearchersCERF is a secure, 21CFR11 compliant software product designed to create, capture, store and manage records, workflows and documents. CERF is ideal for Discovery, GLP or FDA regulated labs, or organizations that want to observe ALCOA-PLUS good documentation and data integrity practices.

The CERF ELN provides a simple, yet powerful ultra-long-term replacement for paper notebooks, enabling scientists to easily capture, organize, search and share their work. Never lose key literature or repeat experiments again. Collaborate with your colleagues using role-based permissions and see your full activity history in the detailed audit history.  Use your favorite applications on your Mac, Windows or iPad and send the same files you would usually create straight to CERF.  Use the CERF Automaton and email-to-CERF to capture everything you do, with no more worries about lost data in the field or scattered files generated throughout your facility by miscellaneous instruments. Keep your data safe for years or decades so that you can build upon past work effectively.

Solutions for Principal Investigators

Solutions for Principal InvestigatorsCERF safeguards your intellectual property with automated audit trails, complete revision history, and strong access control and encryption. Our innovative features let you know what’s happening in your lab, even if you aren’t there. Powerful collaboration capabilities let you control who’s sharing what and with whom. Use semantic metadata to bring timeless and consistent meaning to files so that your future scientists will understand them and build upon them. Locate, bundle and export resources quickly and easily with all of your research and business documents consolidated in a single framework. You can even let scientists who are leaving the lab take selected work with them, while maintaining easy access to all of their research. CERF is easy to deploy, easy to use, and easy on your budget.

Solutions for IT

Solutions for ITWe built the CERF ELN not only for scientists and research managers, but also for the folks deploying and maintaining the system. We simplified many tasks so researchers could do them, off-loading your busy (and expensive) IT staff and expediting the deployment process. We made CERF simple to install, simple to scale and simple to manage, so that even small organizations with no dedicated IT team of their own can enjoy the many benefits of a modern ELN / SDMS / ERMS. Enjoy the flexibility of deployment on the cloud, or on-site, on a real or virtual server or connected to your choice of  MySQL, MS SQL or Oracle deployed on a single machine or distributed across your network. CERF offers unparalleled flexibility, long-term sustainability, strong security and even the ability to run on a completely secure, sealed LAN, since no access to the internet is required to run CERF.

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