Category: Blog

  • Handwriting Recognition Notebook Entries

    Handwriting Recognition Notebook Entries

    I’ve always been something of a geek. Somewhere in the basement (alongside the collection of 8-bit Ataris) are my old Apple Newton Messagepads. I loved the Messagepads – they were far superior organizers to any other handheld at the time, and with the intelligent handwriting recognition they even beat many of the devices available today.…

  • Find Experts with CERF ELN

    Find Experts with CERF ELN

    Find Experts is CERF ELN’s patent-pending system for letting you search everything – every notebook, every folder, not just your own – on the system without breaking the rules or violating privacy of 21CFR11. Find Experts lets you search by the same keywords and terms, or words in documents, that most other searches let you do…

  • Use Find Experts To Build On Previous Research

    Use Find Experts To Build On Previous Research

    Recently I wrote about two big reasons for scientists to have more accessible data so that they can stop reinventing the wheel. There is a third, more insidious form of reinvention that most ELN companies wouldn’t even dream of telling you about. That’s because they either don’t realize that it’s a problem (there are benefits…

  • Data Longevity and Backup Solutions

    Data Longevity and Backup Solutions

    Backup Solutions As we have been discussing, data security wouldn’t be complete without a robust solution to backup your critical information. Often when performing databased backups on complex enterprise document management systems a simple backup of the database does not capture all of the information, data files, metadata and versioning records which may be stored…

  • Reinventing the Wheel

    When I was getting my doctorate, most of my lab worked involved PCR and sequencing of DNA. And to let you know just how long ago this was, all of my PCR gels were captured using polaroid camera film. And of course, the first thing I would do after getting a good gel image would…

  • Meeting compliance with CERF

    Meeting compliance with CERF

    When I was getting my Ph.D. (a “gradual” student, as my girlfriend refers to it), I wasn’t too terribly concerned with protecting my IP. Neither was my graduate advisor. We were both big science nerds (sorry, Bill, but you know it’s true!), in it for the love of discovery (as many scientists are). Luckily, everything…

  • More on Data Security

    More on Data Security

    In continuing with our discussion of security components that are critical to Cloud or On-Premise (Enterprise) applications, Data Security has to be among the top issues for ELN and LIMS systems. In the ELN market, “data” is information stored in many different formats, from files to databases on many different devices from network servers, personal…

  • Protecting IP while sharing research

    Protecting IP while sharing research

    Last week we talked about sharing your work in iCERF for the iPad.  The reason we need great collaboration tools like iCERF is because we frequently do need to share our work and show it to other scientists – that’s how progress is made, by bouncing ideas off of one another, and by building on the work of…

  • Using Scorecards to Rank Security Needs

    Using Scorecards to Rank Security Needs

    Last week we briefly discussed the fact that security means different things to different people depending on their job function, point-of-view, or context. Often a purchase decision needs cross-functional teams comprised of the different stakeholders affected when evaluating Enterprise or Cloud Software security solutions. What good does it do for IT to mandate a system because…

  • Working with Notebooks in CERF for iPad

    Working with Notebooks in CERF for iPad

    One of the biggest advantages to the iCERF iPad app is that it gives me the simple look and feel of a paper notebook, with the usability of a computer. For example: I can insert pages in my Notebook and organize them in sections (just like you do with a three-ring binder). Once I have…